As the nights get longer, how do we maintain our inner zen?

I write this as I am sitting in bed, with a cup of decaf tea with coconut milk. Rock and roll!! Gone are the days when I would finish with at 9 or 10 and get to the pub for last orders. I like to think I am not boring, just sensible, I am up most days at 5.30 or 6.00am and I know how important sleep is. I read a book recently called ‘why we sleep’ absolutely fascinating, humans in fact are made to have one long sleep at night and a nap. Napping is necessary, though I rarely have time. So with these early mornings I struggle more and more, particularly after the clocks go back at the end of October so what helps??? How can we maintain our fantastic walking/ running/ swimming/ gym routine through the dark and cold months?
My top tips

1) Firstly, develop a realistic routine, I find if I don’t exercise in the mornings I don’t do it, secondly if I promise myself to run every morning, the second I hear the rain at the window or worst wind, I hit the snooze button. Exercise has to be enjoyable. We should move because it’s fun!
2) My winter routine is different, I joined the gym and will go 3 mornings a week, Tuesday/ Friday and Saturday. On my day off I try to swim too, with the promise of a steam and jacuzzi after. If the weather is nice and I have time I will go out walking I love a crisp winter day at the coast, wrapped in a crazy hat and snuggly coat.
3) On the days I am not out to the gym for 6.30, I try to tap or meditate, and by meditate I mean mindfulness, constantly reminding myself to be mindful (I always think it should be called remindful cos you need to keep moving away from distractions) if I am tapping, I am talking about EFT (Emotional freedom technique), read more about that under my treatments. Being mindful, or tapping gives me energy and sets me up for the day.
4) Enjoy the dark nights, the opportunity to get cosy under a blanket with your favourite chocolate or on limited days a nice glass of red wine. Can’t beat it.
5) Look after your skin, coconut oil is great and a cheap healthy option. It’s your biggest organ, so look after it.
6) Have at least one night a week without TV, read a book, ring a friend, have a lovely soothing bath or shower and do it mindfully, really feel the warm water against your skin, the feeling of the bubbles from the soap, the lather in your hair.
7) Treat yourself to a candle that smells delicious and light it every night when you come in, it will make you smile and lift your spirits.
8) Cook your food from scratch, it’s cheaper and wonderful to put something nourishing in your body, autumn is great as soups can become a staple and so good for you, with or without the crusty bread. Chilli cornbread can make a nice change too!
9) When you get into bed, get in the habit of writing down or thinking about what you are grateful for, no matter how small, as in my last blog, you get more of what you focus on. If you write it down you can re-read it on waking and start the day with the good stuff.
Enjoy xx

Katherine Chartres