Putting you at the top of your to do list…

Tonight, I was delivering the first in a 6 session programme of stress management/ building resilience, self confidence events for women in the North East. This was sponsored and hosted by Carney Constancy and dreamt up by myself and Angela Carney, one of the most amazing women I know, the managing director. We were keen to give women who are frazzled, expected to juggle work, family, home, elderly relatives, running a household etc an opportunity to come together and learn ways of managing all of this and looking after themselves.
Having planned this for a while, I had ideas about what I wanted to do, offer non disclosure group therapies, coach around the impact of stress etc. I had been keen to give a welcome gift of things they could enjoy, just for them with some things we could use together in the sessions. We gave them candles courtesy of Maddy Alexander which smell sumptuous, some painting kit, wonderful everything free chocolate from The Cove, in Cornwall which I reckon has to be good for you!
The session worked so well, starting with limited sharing, except from me, I was keen for them to know they were in safe hands and I wanted to tell my story, we we wanted to do this. Getting creative really set the tone of the evening, I asked them to paint how they were feeling, so much talent in the room with a familiar story, all things to all people and how can I juggle all this. We worked out what the goals of the group were and using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) collectively tapped them in. Finishing the session with some hypnosis to manage negative emotions and let go of things. I loved this work and hope to do more things like this in the future.
We hope to run more if these in the future so watch this space! Can’t wait to deliver the next one! Happy to be able to help these wonderful women.

Katherine Chartres