
Been thinking a lot about feeling grateful this weekend, many years ago a wise wise woman told me ‘you get more of what you focus on’ I had never really thought about it like that. You focus on the negative, the bad things in life, that’s all you see. In the same way you think about what brings you joy, are grateful for it grows, because that’s your focus.
This week has been a little tricky, things not quite going to plan building work at a standstill, didn’t manage my exercise quota and computer gremlins at work might have slightly rattled my mojo. Though I opted to stop, take a step back, radically accept that I couldn’t change it and embraced life. This week I am grateful for

1) Being able to do the work I do, seeing real results with the people I work with.
2) Laundrette day, what a treat spending an hour with the lovely smell of fresh washing watching the machines going round, very mindful!
3) That I have a house on which building with can take place and that I am able financially to do this.
4) Jasmine yoga, grateful for my classes there.

5) For wonderful friends and family

6) For my kitties, always keen to be where I am.
7) For my electric car, doing my bit for the environment and getting me from A to B.

Top Tip!
What are you grateful for, get yourself a nice notebook and at the end of every day write 3 things down that you are grateful for, then on a bad day, read it back.

Katherine Chartres