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I am a registered mental health nurse with over 20 years of experience

Kate Chartres - EMDR & EFT Consultant
DIP He/ BSc Hons +MSc


Working with people experiencing mental health problems of all varieties and levels, I am an experienced mental health nurse.

Over a decade ago I started to add to my tool kit a variety of psychological therapies.

I have been using these and developing tailored treatment plans for people within my day job, as a Nurse Consultant in Mental Health and within my independent practice for many years.


A tailored approach to your healing & recovery


My approach


I offer a range of specialised therapies and counselling services to support your needs.

Working with my clients, I develop individualised treatment plans that offer a range of my services, allowing me to tailor care packages to your needs.

My services include:
Eye Movement Desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) Accredited Clinical Supervisor and Consultant.
• Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy
• Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
• Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
• Behavioural Family Therapy (BFT)
• Mindfulness Practice
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Whether you know what sort of therapy you’d like or you’re looking for my expert advice and guidance, let’s talk.

I work from home or from the Whitley Bay Osteopathic Centre. as a psychological therapist around my full-time job. Appointments can be arranged on Mondays, Evenings and Weekends. Bespoke psychological therapy packages are tailored to the needs of the individual, couple or family presenting and their specific circumstances.

Conditions & Difficulties


My support services include:

• Talking therapy
• PTSD and trauma
• stress
• pain including acute and chronic pain
• general suffering
• emotion regulation
• anger management
• anxiety management
• Mood and depression management
• Urges
• Phobias and phobic responses

I am able to work with and impact significantly, and in many cases eradicate, persistent physical symptoms including:

• IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
• Non-Epileptic attack disorder
• Fibromyalgia
• Unexplained spasms
• Functional neurological disorders

I am also able to work around performance in the following areas:
• Work
• Sports
• Marathon running
• Tri-Athlon
• Relationships



We are born with few innate fears/ phobias, most people have a natural aversion to heights and loud noises, but few have full phobic reactions to these. All other fears are learned behaviours and as such can be unlearned. New habits and responses can be formed allowing you freedom from the anxiety/ agitation driving it. In one to two sessions you will no longer know how to have the fear/ phobia, in fact, you will wonder how you ever had it.



The word depression has become a component of our language colloquially it has meaning in terms of mood being down, sometimes it might be used in the context of something sad happening but for 1 in 4 of us depression means so much more than a little sadness. Symptoms of depression can include low mood/ poor sleep/ poor appetite or eating too much/ reduced ability to concentrate on things like TV or reading/ reduced enjoyment in things/ irritability/ and avoiding social contact. Perhaps you have been feeling this and thought it was just a little stress, you may have been feeling less motivated of late, this too can suggest depression.


pain management

Psychological therapy including Hypnosis and EMDR can be an extremely effective treatment for both chronic and acute pain. People will often have very strong scepticism about this area in particular, but actually it is one of the most well researched areas. When working with pain I always start by talking about how we respond to pain by talking about a paper cut. When you have a paper cut it is painless, when we notice the blood what happens? It hurts. Even for people whom have very real very debilitating conditions hypnosis or EMDR can help significantly.


persistent physical symptoms

Persistent Physical Symptoms (PPS) can include health problems such as fibromyalgia which is a long-term condition causing widespread pain, often linked to arthritis. Bowel and stomach problems known clinically as irritable bowel syndrome and non-cardiac chest pain often associated with anxiety problems.


skin conditions

We have known for a long time that psychological treatments including relaxation/mindfulness and hypnosis can help people with psoriasis, eczema, acne etc. Dealing with the emotional impact can encourage less focus for the individual on the problem. And in recent years more research has demonstrated a reduction in the physical symptoms is also possible. Even at its most basic level if you are less focussed on it, it will itch less and reduced scratching will improve the appearance.


PTSD & Trauma

PTSD and trauma symptoms can vary in intensity over time. You may have more symptoms when you’re stressed in general, or when you run into reminders of what you went through. For example, you may hear a crash outside and relive traumatic experiences related to a violent relationship or hear a car horn and be taken back to the crash on the dual carriage way. Or you may see something on TV about a sexual assault and feel a strong connection to your own memories of the attack you suffered. When working with trauma Kate has found that people react to traumatic experiences in a wide variety of ways and very individually. Whilst no two people will react the same, even if involved in the same situation. Some may experience symptoms that seem to dissipate after a period of time. For others they continue for longer and if still causing concern after around a month it might be that PTSD is present.



Want to run that sub 3 hour marathon?
Want to reduce your handicap?
Want to feel more motivated to stick to your exercise plan?
Performance coaching can help with this, using a bespoke individually tailored approach Kate will support you to consistently improve your performance in sports/ personal life/ relationships or at work.

Contact me using this link or filling out the form below.