Getting ready for Christmas… or is it the worst time of year for you?

Christmas is often a really tough time for some people, many have had difficult experiences at this time of year. Here are my top tips for getting through it.

1) If having a tree is difficult, annoying, or not affordable there’s no rule that you have to have one. Take a walk while we have snow (carefully), I have already gone me length. Look at the fur trees and enjoy the sparkle. Or be creative, make something that feels different and signifies a different feeling for you at Christmas.

2) Try not to overindulge with alcohol, it’s a depressant and if you are struggling it won’t help, it particularly won’t help with sleep, not sleeping is a common symptom of stress and distress.

3) If you are going to be alone at Christmas think about volunteering at a soup kitchen, or decide to cook something lovely for yourself. You deserve to have something nice.

4) If you are a TV watcher, choose carefully and only watch things that will give you a lift, something funny, or listen to a podcast that might help. There is so much out there to choose from, free helpful advice too.

5) Mindfulness, doing one thing at a time, in the moment and without judgement. Even if you just start with your breath, breathing is something we do unconsciously, but really focusing on the breath, breathing into the diaphragm, then the lungs slowly, then breathing out slowly for even two minutes can have a calming effect. If you are in the moment, you can’t be distressed by the past, or by a future that hasn’t happened yet. I can’t recommend doing this regularly enough. Our brains have a wonderful way of changing with regular mindful practice, or re-wires things and over time you feel less stressed.

6) Promise yourself you will try to be more social, start small by greeting people when you are out and about, smiling at others might make their day and you will feel better for it.

7) Remember, it really is just one day, make a plan and have some structure. Get some exercise, plan your day, be grateful to have some time to read that book/ watch that series/ write those letters.

Katherine Chartres