Navigating building work around a busy life

  1. So at present I am having some significant building work, this is on the back off unexpected building work from a leaking orangery roof for some 9 years since it was built, just before this build the company who shall remain nameless for legal reasons decided they needed to completely remove the roof and rebuild the top of the extension. So we’ve been living in what feels like squaller for some weeks now, we’ll probably a couple of months. The work we are currently having done leaves us with half a small kitchen, that’s constantly covered in dust, dust in the air which effects my asthma and a cold house as unexpectedly we find ourselves without a boiler for 3 weeks. I am managing this in the following ways, ranting I find does help, I chat to myself and do a bit of private swearing chanting which I find cathartic.
    I would love to say to you all that I am enormously zen about the whole thing but I am not. I like a good swear in the right company or on my own. Other more healthy ways of coping are the following I am tapping using my EFT skills on myself, I am trying to have a couple of haven spaces in the house that are clear and in which I can pretend all is well. I am off today but have some work to do but around that I am getting a massage, much needed me time, visiting a gym with a view to joining and not only because they will have hot water, but because I want to exercise more! Moving your body is good for the soul and your head. I already do 3-5 yoga classes a week, it’s my mindfulness, even though I am great at teaching this I find my best ability with it is when I am moving. I am relying on ready meals but trying to stay healthy too… I am back to my fasting schedule which helps my skin and has anti cancer benefits, I am very aware that I need to keep my stress levels down to prevent a recurrence.
    In terms of relaxation and rejuvenation all of the above helps.
    Swearing chanting

  2. yoga/ mindfulness

  3. EFT tapping on what I cannot change

  4. Safe zones (where you can just be)

  5. Eating healthy, drinking enough (not alcohol)

  6. Escaping, via bubblegum TV (coined by Judi Chartres-Lock my amazing sister), which is whatever your thing is. For me that’s home improvement programmes and wives… can recommend below deck med at present…

I hope this helps, it’s helping me!

Katherine Chartres